Shoulder Mobility Exercises:

Here are three shoulder mobility routines to keep your shoulder girdle moving.

1.     Scapula Mobilization: Move both scapulae together. Arms at your side. Elevate, Retract, Depress and Protract

2.     Shoulder Mobilization: Do one arm at a time to maintain form. Arm at your side. Move arm forward with palms facing toward you. As you raise arm over your head , rotate palm away from you. Keep arm moving behind you, palm away from you. Return to arm at your side, palm in.

3.     Combined movement: IYTW. Elevate both arms to form the letter “I”,palms facing in. Arms down and then to a 45 degree angle to form “Y”, palms facing forward. Arms out to side, forming “T”,palms facing up. Arms at the side, palms up and squeezing back to form “W”. Return to arms at the side after each movement.